special programs

TTAS Science Summer for Families

May–July 2023

We released exclusive Microbe Express for Kids videos and conducted three fun live quizzes for you to enjoy your summer break with your family!

JUNE 1, 2023 

5-6 pm IST

JUne 17, 2023

5-6 PM IST

JUly 1, 2o23

5-6 PM IST

TTAS Turns 3 years old!

March 2023

Three YEAR Anniversary ViDEO!

video Edited by Moumita Mazumdar

Please enjoy our Three Year Celebration Video, and get a glimpse into how fun TTAS sessions have been in the last three years!

INdia Science Festival 2023

TTAS conducted an in-person workshop at the India Science Festival, January 2023 at the Hyderabad Public School in Begumpet, Hyderabad.

In our demonstration session, we built tabletop models of climate change in glaciers (a large phenomenon), and in our hands-on session, we studied antibiotic testing in microbes (a phenomenon too small to see with the naked eye) using materials readily available at home.

world science Day, November 10, 2022

On World Science Day, let us take a closer look at the different disciplines of science.

Solve this crossword puzzle and email us your answers at talktoascientistindia@gmail.com

SUbmissions for world science Day 2022





Dengue Detectives

BE a Dengue Detective in your neighbourhood

Can you spot the differences between the two images? Based on the differences you notice, which house do you believe is doing a better job of preventing the spread of dengue?

Prepare an informational poster for dengue awareness and prevention to display in your building!  How many of these keywords can you include in your poster? “vector, virus, water, mosquito repellant, prevention

Send us your entries along with your name and age and we will display them on our website.

world science Day, November 10, 2021

Read what our young minds had to say About their special science moments!

World Science Day - Most Memorable Science Moments.pdf

Enjoy some brief excerpts from the compilation!

Swayamsiddha Mishra, 12 years

I’ll share one incident labeled as my favorite science moment. A year ago, on a rainy afternoon, I got a message from my teacher to make a working project and send a video on it. What will my project be based on? This was the question that threw me into the bottomless pit of confusion. Because of unpredictable rains we used to forget to get our drying clothes inside. So I thought of making a simple rain detecting machine. With the help of my father, I was able to complete the project in about two days due to its simplicity. 

Vrinda Prasanth, 9 years

The day I experimented on making a stone out of my garden soil is my most memorable scientific moment till date. As I was playing around with the soil, I made a ball out of some wet red soil, coated it with some robo sand, sprinkled some water on it and left it in a shady place to dry. Lo! Few hours later it was hard like a stone. Out of curiosity to test whether it was really a stone I hit it against a wall and it broke. This taught me that though it takes a rock or stone to become soil through millions of years, a stone cannot be formed from soil/sand, it is an irreversible process. 

Alaa Khalid Siddiqui, 13 years

TTAS has really changed my view of science as a subject. Their sessions make me more eager to learn about the different disciplines of science. The weekly webinars they conduct are very smooth-going, educative, interactive and fun! The most memorable science moment with TTAS was when they appreciated me for suggesting science topics related to mental health and sports. 

Kavish Pingali, 9 years

I like all the sessions of TTAS, each one is memorable in its own – DNA & RNA, Covid-19 vaccines, Diatoms, Hydra, Primates, Polymers to name some. But when TTAS asked for our ideas, in my opinion, that was the best. TTAS gave the opportunity to all of us to present our ideas on what we want in the future sessions. We came up with so many interesting and exciting topics.

Aniruddha Mukherjee, 9 years

My most favourite TTAS session was on 'Primates'. I learned that most monkey related animals are primates. In fact, even humans are primates! I always wanted to know about this amazing subject. Virendra Sir taught us so much about it! And it was because of TTAS that I could learn so much about it.

Bhargavi Ramakrishnan, 9 years

In the past few months TTAS has been conducting interesting sessions for us. I have enjoyed all the sessions and I learnt exciting stuff from them. I enjoyed the session on astrobiology the most because it covered a lot of things about outer-space. In astrobiology we learnt about amazing things like tardigrades, extremophilés, etc. The most interesting part about this session was that we learnt about moons of other planets. 

Abhay Kaushik, 10 years

My favourite science moment is when my mother talked to me about genetic disorders like Haemophilia and Sickle Cell Disease. She also taught me about X and Y chromosomes and how the disorders are carried on chromosomes. She taught me about haemophilia using an example of monarchies across Europe. One example she gave me is how Queen Victoria of the UK got a spontaneous mutation that made her a carrier of haemophilia and passed it on to 3 of her children. I really enjoyed learning this topic because it was very easy for me to understand and it made me feel excited to learn more about genetic disorders.

TTAS Turns 1.5!

On 30th September 2021, TTAS Celebrated 1.5 years of consecutive, weekly sessions, and 1 year on the 1st indiabioscience outreach grant (IOG)!

To celebrate this, asked our young minds to send us their TTAS artwork!

Draw TTAS.pdf

age specific webinars

talk to a scientist about Biofilms and Beehives!

July 31, 2021

Talk To A Scientist hosted our first age-specific webinar for 13-18 years. In this webinar we learnt about biofilms, using an analogy (comparison) with beehives, highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Content was prepared with 13-18 year olds in mind. 

The analogy-based module, along with pre-session and post-session feedback is presented as an education tool to introduce biofilms to high school and undergraduate students. 

If you are an educator or teacher and would like to implement this in your class, please get in touch with us!

Sneak peeks from biofilms and beehives

Family quiz series (summer 2021) 

April 25, 2021 

4-5 pm IST

May 23, 2021

4-5 PM IST

june 20, 2021

4-5 PM IST

TTAS hosted a summer family quiz series!

Our young minds shared the joy of science and TTAS with their families.

All in a fun, engaging, virtual format.

Top scoring families received Amazon gift vouchers!

Sneak peeks from Quiz 1

With Quiz Scoring Master Samatha Mathew

Sneak peeks from Quiz 2

With Quiz Scoring Master Sohini Chakraborti

Sneak peeks from Quiz 3

With Quiz Scoring Master Virendra Mathur

content is free to use in virtual family get togethers, parties, science clubs!

TTAS turns one!

On 30th March 2021, TTAS celebrated its first birthday!

one year celebration video!

edited by moumita mazumdar

our one year special episode 

COVID-19 vaccines explained for young minds!

with prof. gagandeep kang